In an enchanted forest, back in the time of the Druids, the shepherd Céladon and the shepherdess Astrée share a pure and chaste love. Fooled by a suitor, Astrée dismisses…
A dispossessed, violent man’s life is a disastrous attempt to exist outside the social order. Successively deprived of parents and homes and with few other ties, he descends to the…
In his delirium from his return from war, Francesco Bernardone goes back in his memories to the days when he lived for parties and carnal pleasures. He slowly recovers, but…
Peter is a medical student about to graduate and begin his residency. When his professor fails him, he winds up in bed with an actress and singer named Bogart rolling…
Aromal and Ambili tied the knot.Aromal was really excited and delighted to start a life with Ambili but on that wedding night an unlikely incident happened which will put the…
The story begins with Makoto Segawa, a freshman at Meikei University. On the day of his university entrance ceremony, Makoto meets a fresh-faced, quirky girl named Shizuru. Makoto has a…