The story revolves around Su Jian Ming and Li Hui Lin jointly investigating an undercurrent criminal case involving a huge interest group. In order to investigate the case, Su Jian…
Seven friends get together for dinner, and decided to play a game where they must share all messages and calls of their cell phones. Throughout the evening, wechat messages, phone…
A story revolving around two friends with very different personalities – the no-nonsense and rebellious Weiyang and the idealist ‘Princess’ Qiao. When Xiao Qiao met Weiyang, the two easily became…
Zhang Chi, a hubris and dominating six-time racing champion, falls from grace following a crisis. After a five-year suspension from the motorsport, the now single-father to a six-year-old boy throws…
A Bin was a police detective. He came across LI Xue, a surgeon, during the investigation of a bizarre murder case. As they got to know more and more of…
20-year-old Jing Hao came to Shenzhen to live with his young sister alone. The siblings live a warm yet straitened life. In an effort to pay for his sister’s expensive…