Featuring new music inspired by holiday classic The Nutcracker, this animated special follows Elmo’s fantastical adventure through magical lands to retrieve a nutcracker toy, along with his puppy Tango –…
Part of Sesame Workshop’s “Caring for Each Other” Initiative, Sesame Street: Elmo’s Playdate offers families a moment of joy and connection in challenging times.
Join Elmo as he reminisces about his potty training journey and guides viewers as they embark on theirs. Elmo and his Sesame friends give helpful, confidence-building tips and encourage kids…
Elmo learns fire safety from Firefighter Bill. This all comes about because he was scared after being in a fire at Mr. Hooper’s Store on Sesame Street. Elmo visits Engine…
In When You Wish Upon a Pickle, a mysterious wish machine appears on Sesame Street and the magical pickle inside starts granting wishes. Before long, the gang learns they need…
Elmo loves his fuzzy, well-worn blue blanket more than anything in the whole world. Elmo’s blanket gets sucked into colorful, swirling tunnel into Grouchland, the yuckiest place on earth. Elmo…
An upcoming animated Sesame Street special premiering on HBO Max on August 5, 2021. The special serves as an introduction to Tango, Elmo’s new pet puppy.
Get ready to experience the world-famous Scooby-Doo! and Crew like never before in this all-new, original puppet movie! What begins as a routine night for the Gang – which includes…