Set in Los Angeles, the loneliest city in the world it follows four characters who have lost their faith and are struggling with the gritty challenges of a life filled…
Ray, an ex-con and widower, is planning a coin heist with two accomplices to help him to buy his own bakery. However, he doesn’t expect his son Timmy, who was…
Andy “Brink” Brinker and his in-line skating crew–Peter, Jordy, and Gabriella–who call themselves “Soul-Skaters” (which means they skate for the fun of it, and not for the money), clash with…
Four characters lives are transformed when they come into contact with a supernatural wristwatch that reveals the light and darkness within and brings forth a higher level of consciousness.
The tale of two orphan twins with special powers who go looking for their origins. The two are hindered by an avaricious tycoon who only wants to exploit their abilities.
When Danny O’Shea’s daughter is cut from the Peewee football team just for being a girl, he decides to form his own team, composed of other ragtag players who were…