Sealab 2020 is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera. The show premiered on NBC on September 9, 1972. The series aired its 13th and final episode on December…
The Wild Wild West is an American television series Developed at a time when the television western was losing ground to the spy genre, this show was conceived by its…
Sealab 2020 is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera. The show premiered on NBC on September 9, 1972. The series aired its 13th and final episode on December…
In 1883, the Apache Indians lead by Geronimo reluctantly surrender to the attacks of American and Mexican troops, in exchange for a territory and food for their warriors. Soon though,…
In the year 1885. After years of retirement West is called in from his Mexican home, and Gordon is taken off the road as a Shakespearian actor to track down…
A married couple are traveling on a deserted desert road at night. They stop at a diner and the husband goes to the men’s room. He never returns and the…
Professional daredevil and white-suited hero, The Great Leslie, convinces turn-of-the-century auto makers that a race from New York to Paris (westward across America, the Bering Straight and Russia) will help…