Lured into an unwelcome reunion at a vacant ski lodge, former college friends fight to escape alive as they are targeted by an unseen adversary, and long-buried secrets may hold…
A covert military task force tracks a mysterious energy disturbance at a secret base in New Mexico that is suspected of experimenting on alien technology. Once there, the team encounters…
When Butch Cassidy and his deadly band of outlaws pull off a high-dollar train robbery, the legendary Pinkerton detectives raise a deadly posse to hunt them down.
Chelsea, a high school introvert, is abducted through a social media app and is forced to look like other girls Brad holds captive. Chelsea desperately attempts to persuade them to…
Based on the Terri Woods best selling novel, True to the Game is the love story of Quadir Richards, a charismatic drug lord, and Gena Rollins, a young girl from…
After an all-night graduation beach party, a group of hung-over students wakes up under the blazing sun to find their numbers somewhat depleted. An enormous alien creature has burrowed down…
A man travels across the country to care for his dementia-ridden father. Joined by his sister and an aspiring musician, he learns that unexpected turns can lead to a better…
Struggling with a horrific past, Claire Rhodes must confront a stalker turned murderer of her youth in order to win her life – but will her own demons help the…
When Holly boldly proposes to Phil, he confesses he needs to first work things out with a long-ago ex. Having booked a romantic holiday sleigh ride, despondent Holly pours her…
A mother recently confined to a wheelchair moves into her daughter’s home, but suggestions that the house is haunted and strange behavior by her daughter’s boyfriend send her on a…
Five beautiful girls vie for a chance to become the spokesmodel for diva DeeDee DeVille’s new high-end line of lingerie. The claws come out when the competition gets fierce, but…