The film follows the lives of two families, one living in a Mumbai slum and the other in a luxurious high-rise, whose paths intertwine unexpectedly. A series of events leads…
Owing to the wrongdoings affiliated with evils similar to black money, an honest but ferocious police officer returns as the Deputy Commissioner of Police with the prospect of wiping out…
Kill, threaten, kidnap, maim, murder, steal… Meet the masters. In a world where loyalties are easily abandoned and allegiances bought, six perfect strangers come together to pull off the perfect…
The film, set in the 1980s and 90s, chronicles the transformation of Bombay to Mumbai. The story is a cat and mouse game between a deadly don, Amartya Rao, who…
Amol, a cranky PT teacher and his wife Gugloo have opposing choices when it comes to children but destiny has something else planned for the childhood sweethearts.
Peshwa Bajirao married to Kashibai, falls in love with Mastani, a warrior princess in distress. They struggle to make their love triumph amid opposition from his conservative family.
An ambitious Indian driver uses his wit and cunning to escape from poverty and rise to the top. An epic journey based on the New York Times bestseller.
It is a hair-raising journey into the world of two lovers as both their families are ripped apart for the sake of revenge and power, and an entertaining look at…
An upright ex-army man, Jai fights a solitary war against corruption and injustice. With a simple mantra to pay forward, he starts off by helping one person and forms an…