William Castle directed this Sam Katzman production, a gritty crime thriller about a newly-discharged sailor who gets a job as a longshoreman in The Big Easy. He swiftly discovers mob…
Det Andy Doyle (Bill Elliott) suspects that a suicide is actually a murder. He suspects the victim’s son, Wallace (Tom Drake) who is blind and he pursues him until he…
A marine biologist and a government agent investigate mysterious deaths and rumors of a sea monster in a secluded ocean cove, and find themselves involved with a marine biology professor…
Priestess Oma is forever young in this Jungle Jim knockoff of “She” or the La of Opar stories from “Tarzan”. The Jungle Jim-type character is played by Weissmuller using his…
Cleo Moore stars as Mary Adams, whose first step on the road to ruin is a $25,000 robbery. Mary hides the money, then confesses to the crime, secure in the…