In the Australian town of Upson Downs, ten-year-old Annie and Runt, her stray dog, attempt to win the Agility Course Championship at the Krumpets Dog Show in London in order…
Penny returns to her childhood home for the Appleton Show and its ‘world famous’ potato race, she is outraged that the men’s first prize pays out $2,000 and the winning…
When a pair of bumbling crooks hijack the Harrington and Sons toy store, a pair of kids stumble into the heist and are forced to team up with a female…
Young Katherine and her older friend Hester live at the isolated farm run by Hester and her father Francis. Katherine works as a maid and wants to leave that place…
The story of notorious Australian bank robber Brendan Abbott, who according to the myth, sent postcards to authorities hot on his trail while on the run across the country.
A baby is kidnapped from hospital by a desperate grandmother. Her flight sets off a chain of events that bring together complete strangers over the course of one day.
After a long voyage from Scotland, pianist Ada McGrath and her young daughter, Flora, are left with all their belongings, including a piano, on a New Zealand beach. Ada, who…
The film adaptation of Erik Jensen’s award-winning biography of Adam Cullen is the story of the biographer and his subject, as it descends into a dependent and abusive relationship.
Can you really get away with murder? Welcome to the world of Katrina, a 19-year-old single mum who’s planning to do just that. Katrina lives in a world of petty…