Class 3-E is getting ready for their class trip to Kyoto, and Koro-sensei is as excited as ever! Nagisa is in a group with Kaede, Karma, Tomohito, Manami, and the…
In 2026, four years after the infamous Sword Art Online incident, a revolutionary new form of technology has emerged: the Augma, a device that utilizes an Augmented Reality system. Unlike…
When five lovely young girls who hate studying hire part-time tutor Futaro, he guides not only their education but also their hearts. Time spent has brought them all closer, with…
Kirito and some of his new friends look back at the events of season one. Kirito recalls his defining moments while Suguha learns to swim with the help of Asuna…
After performing a huge concert, Miku Izayoi invited Shido, Tohka and everyone for a day at a reserved indoor pool. Later at night, Shido keeps spotting a girl named Mayuri,…