A recently released convict finds himself trapped between his urban criminal past and his new life on probation as the only black man in a conservative white Wisconsin farming town.
Ten years after the death of a close friend, a group of Yale graduates who formed a secret society to make the world a better place reunite, only to discover…
When 17 year old Angela fell for Chad, he promised to love her forever. When she got pregnant with his child, he promised to take care of them both. When…
A crisis line worker searches for an abused woman who calls the hotline proclaiming her revenge against her abusive ex-husband. In a second story, a teen who declined help from…
Bailey and Darla embark upon a misguided and mutually deceitful form of therapy, one in which they must drive across the country re-enacting Darla’s colorful history as a sex addict….
The sequel is set just weeks after Annie Barlow’s deadly confrontation with the Judas Killer. In this elevated sequel, we meet June, a woman whose carefully constructed life is beginning…
When Dawn, an overworked single mother, agrees to take her teenage daughter, Kayla, to a luxurious but isolated spa retreat, the women believe they have escaped to a paradise of…