The film follows the lives of Eddy, Jite and Osiano, three ambitious young men in their late twenties struggling to make it in life. Tired of being looked down upon,…
3 young strangers who have been wronged in a bid to find justice form an alliance to bring a ruthless and vicious politician down. They subject themselves to physical and…
Amara Nzewi, a recent UK graduate of Psychology, has no idea she is stepping on the wrong toes when she starts a foundation to rehabilitate street boys but things get…
When an ambitious career woman is found murdered on her wedding anniversary her husband becomes the prime suspect. However a police investigation unearths others in her life who may also…
Izu Ojukwu’s Power of 1 is now available on Amazon Prime Video for viewers in the US and UK. The political thriller, which is partly inspired by 2 Baba’s shelved…