Mortal World 2 tells the story of the Mermer family, who now continues their lives as outlaws, struggles with their own problems. Serhan has difficulty adjusting Begüm, who is pregnant,…
Arap Kadri, fond of his freedom, is an unruly man who lives in the forest. The same forest where Tarzan establishes order, creatures try to live an orderly life. Kadri…
In a small Turkish town, two young tuberculous poets try to survive while publishing their poems. As they both fall in love, their life would never be the same.
In the rural area around the Anatolian town of Keskin, the local prosecutor, police commissar, and doctor lead a search for a victim of a murder to whom a suspect…
In a small Anatolian town life goes on; Cemal is an assistant referee in football matches, Yasemin works in an egg factory, Defne is a street vendor who sells books,…