Four heroes embark on a secret mission for Dr Sun Yat Sen’s Nationalist Guard. Relentlessly pursued by the warriors of notorious Warlord Yue Sai Hoi, they have seven days to…
Huo Yuan Jia became the most famous martial arts fighter in all of China at the turn of the 20th Century. Huo faced personal tragedy but ultimately fought his way…
Brandon plays Brandon Ma, a regular working Joe who holds down two jobs, so he can support his girlfriend May and his dream of owning a motorcycle. Brandon’s best friend…
A young man, Ryan, suffering from a disability, wishes to join the other kids from his schools football team. During an initiation rite, Ryan is swept away through a whirlpool…
In an attempt to free himself from a state of forgotten limbo, evil dream-demon Freddy Krueger devises a plan to manipulate un-dead mass murderer Jason Voorhees into slicing-and-dicing his way…
The sensitive swordsman Cho Yi-Hang is tired of his life. He is the unwilling successor to the Wu-Tang clan throne and the unsure commander of the clan’s forces in a…