A Story
A young boy named Melvin and a purple television dinosaur named Ted have happy adventures that lead them into the clutches of Randy the Killer Clown and his Goon Squad.
Director: Andrew Stanton
Actors: Andrew Stanton, Broose Johnson, Ethan Kanfer, Jeff Pidgeon, Sue C. Nichols
You Don’t Choose Your Family
César Borgnoli, an unsuccessful car salesman from Italy, lives well beyond his means. In order to get out of his financial disaster, he agrees to a deal: he pretends to…
LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out
Luke Skywalker embarks on a mission to destroy an Imperial base, but is relentlessly chased by a group of fanatic girls who think of him as a celebrity. Meanwhile, Darth…
As Kevin Flynn searches for proof that he invented a hit video game, he is ‘digitized’ by a laser and finds himself inside ‘The Grid’, where programs suffer under the…